A.G. Bracamonte studied in Faculty of Chemical Sciences at National University of Cordoba (UNC) Argentine; where he obtained his Bachellor in Chemistry and PhD in Chemical Sciences. Then, he was associated as Postdoctoral Researcher at Laval University, Québec, Canada. Moreover, he holds a second Postdoctoral Research at University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He was Lecturer in Professor Burkhard König Group at Universitat Regensburg, Germany. And, he holds a Postdoctoral Researcher position at University of Akron, and NASA Astrobiology Institute, Ohio, United States. Actually, he is Researcher and Assistant Professor at UNC. Argentine; where he founded his Research Group focused on Nanophotonics, Biophotonics, and Nanomedicine in collaboration with International Researchers.
Title : Advances of nanotechnology and nano-bio-dynamics within ongoing biotechnology, and bio-assays developments